Sunday, January 15, 2012

United Nations World Food Programme Job Oppoirtunity in Kenya

Expression of Interest
WFP Kenya seeks to identify providers of porter, cleaning and warehouse management services for its warehouses in Mombasa, Nairobi, Eldoret, Lodwar and Garissa.
WFP invites qualified contractors, who are duly registered and authorized in accordance with prevailing laws in Kenya, to collect questionnaires for short list consideration for further competitive bidding/contracting process.

For Garissa especially, NGOs are particularly encouraged to apply.
The following are the minimum (documentation) requirements:
1. Completed WFP standard questionnaire (mandatory)
2. Minimum one (1) year registered operating period supported by certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation; copy of VAT certificate (if applicable) and certified copy of last audited accounts (if applicable)
3. Company profile (optional)
Qualified suppliers are requested to collect the questionnaire from the address below:
United Nations, Visitors Pavillon
UN Gigiri Complex, Nairobi, Kenya
Alternatively, requests for questionnaires can be sent to

The questionnaires must be collected/requested no later than 18th January 2012 at 10.00 am at the above address. The completed forms with all supporting documentations, as requested therein, should be sent to WFP and addressed as follows:
The Logistics Officer
UN World Food Programme
UN Gigiri Complex, Block B, Room B116
P O Box 44482 – 00100
Nairobi Kenya

The documents should be sent by mail pouch or hand-delivered, so as to reach WFP by 10.00 a.m., 23rd January 2012.
The expression of interest may be followed by an interview, inspection of offices, facilities and equipment.
Queries strictly relating to this invitation should be directed to or telephone numbers
076222873 0r 0732 220052
Please note that this is not an invitation to tender. Rates/prices are not required at this stage, and this invitation does not bind the World Food Programme to issue any tenders or contracts to the companies expressing their interest.
WFP does not charge any fee for registration forms.