Thursday, November 3, 2011

Expression of Interest for Provision of General Operating Services

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Eastern and Southern African Office (ESAF)
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Provision of General Operating Services

1. Background:
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) – Eastern and Southern African (ESAF) Regional Office in Nairobi, Kenya is accredited to 23 States in the eastern and southern sub-region of Africa.

Its corporate mission is to closely liaise with the States, appropriate organizations, and regional civil aviation bodies, to promote ICAO policies, decisions, standards and recommended practices and air navigation plans, and provide assistance whenever possible.

The staff members have over the years provided dedicated service in advising and assisting States safety service providers and users in their endeavour to establish and maintain a safe, secure, orderly and efficient air transport system, through missions and meetings, seminars and workshops.

2. Scope of Work:
The ESAF office seeks the Expression of Interest (EOI) from reputable and professional Companies for the general operating services indicated below:-

a) Transport
  • To provide taxi services to ICAO staff within Nairobi and its environs.
  • To provide transport services to Delegates from City Centre to UN Complex-Gigiri and return during ICAO Meetings.
b) Office Stationery
  • To supply office stationery for the ICAO Office.
c) Courier services
  • To provide courier services to ICAO office.
d) Printing and binding
  • To provide printing, bulk photocopying and bulk binding services for documents.
e) Insurance services
  • To provide annual motor vehicle insurance services for ICAO official vehicles.
f) Portable water
  • To supply clean drinking water and maintenance services for the Regional Office.
g) Daily local newspapers
  • To provide on a daily basis – local newspapers – Nation, Standard, The East African, the Star and the People.
h) Computer Consumables
  • To supply computer tonners for the ICAO regional office.
3. Deliverables: Effective and efficient provision of the above required services.

4. Qualifications required for Companies
a) Must be registered as legal entity in Kenya.
b) Have proven record in the provision of the services hereby requested in the EOI.
c) Have a minimum of 5 years experience of work in a related field to the assignment.

6. Required documentation to submit with EOI
a) Company Profile (background), including contact details (email, website, address/physical location, telephone and fax numbers);
b) Information regarding Company’s financial status (independently audited and certified financial statements covering the last three (3) years.
c) Copies of the Company’s business registration Certificate and required licenses;
d) Information on the Company’s experience in this type of activity including references for private companies, NGOs/UN Agencies

7. Additional Information
a) Companies who meet the above requirements are requested to submit their detailed profile in not more than three A4 pages:
Companies interested in participating in the planned solicitation process should submit their sealed EOI marked “EOI General Operating Services” by hand delivery or Courier Services to:
Regional Director,
United Nations Complex, Gigiri,
ICAO, ESAF Office,
P.O. Box 46294, 00100, GPO Nairobi, Kenya;
Tel: 254 20 7622395/96

So as to reach him not later than 1630 hours on Friday 25 November, 2011.
Sealed EOIs to be dropped at the tender box at the United Nations Office in Nairobi, visitors’ Pavillion.

8. Conditions (important):
a) No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both ICAO and the Contractor.
b) ICAO reserves the right to change or cancel the requirements at anytime during the EOI process.

Only short-listed companies from this expression of interest will be invited to bid.
Email or fax responses to the EOI will not be accepted.
Queries of general nature relating to the EOI should be addressed to
The closing date of submissions is 16.30HRS on Friday 25 November, 2011.