Thursday, November 3, 2011

Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) Expression of Interest to Develop a Strategic Plan

Ref: YEDFB/SP/11/2011

The Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) is a project of Vision 2030 and is the leading youth economic empowerment agency in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Fund provides loans and other enterprise development solution services to Kenyans aged 18 to 35 years.
Over the last five years the Fund has financed over 130,000 youth enterprises, and supported thousands others through its business development services and through the jobs abroad programme.

The Fund now aims to enhance its functions and to discharge its mandates more efficiently and diligently, to contribute towards alleviating youth unemployment in Kenya. Consequently the Fund invites Expressions of Interest to develop its second strategic plan, which will guide its operations for the next five years.

Interested firms/consultants are requested to visit the Fund’s website, for details.

Expressions of Interest, one original and one copy, in plain sealed envelopes bearing the name and reference number of the EOI but without indication of the applicants’ name should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Youth Enterprise Development Fund
P.O. Box 48610-00100

To reach by close of business on 16th November 2011