Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Consultancy Services on Financial Inclusion Data Gap Analysis for the Central Bank of Kenya

International Competitive Bid
For Expression of Interest (EOI) on Consultancy Services on Financial Inclusion Data Gap Analysis for the Central Bank of Kenya

Tender Ref. No. CBK/26/2011/2012
Closing Date: Tuesday, 29th November 2011 At 10.30 A.M.

Expression of Interest
Central Bank of Kenya intends to undertake a study on financial inclusion in Kenya with an objective to leapfrog access to financial services and ultimately reduce poverty. The study is to be carried out in three phases, namely;

Phase I: Carrying out a comprehensive gap analysis on the existing supply and demand side 
datasets to draw insights and conclusions about the status, levels and trends of financial inclusion in Kenya.
Phase II: Based on the gaps established in (i) above and leveraging on the findings of the above, carrying out a supplementary diagnostic study on the status of financial inclusion in Kenya.
Phase III: Conducting Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAS) to systematically evaluate the performance and adequacy of existing laws, regulations and guidelines.

The Bank is, therefore, inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) from a professional consultant/service provider or consortium of service providers with practical experience to undertake Phase 1 of the study.

Some of the tasks the consultant will be required to undertake are summarised as follows:
a. To assess existing data to establish the status, level and trends of financial inclusion in Kenya, highlighting the fundamental information gaps.
b. To establish the extent of the need to carry out additional data collection exercises based on the extent of the information gaps and additional data needed to make sound policy decisions.
c. To recommend modalities on how best to carry out an appropriate and cost effective diagnostic study on the status of financial inclusion in Kenya.
Interested parties should collect Expression of Interest (bid documents) from the Bank upon payment of non-refundable fee of KShs.2, 000.00

Applicants should submit their document duly sealed and addressed to:
Department of Estates, Supplies & Transport
P. O. Box 60000 – 00200

so as to reach on or before 29th November 2011 at 10.30 a.m. at the Presentation room on 6th floor of Central Bank of Kenya Headquarters Building or deposited in the Bank’s Tender Box so as to be received on or before 29th November 2011 at 10.30 a.m.
Department of Estate, Supplies & Transport