Thursday, November 3, 2011

Call for Applications for Board of Directors of Gatamathi Water and Sanitation Company

Gatamathi Water and Sanitation Company Ltd is a Water Service Provider and an agent of Tana Water services board, mandated to provide water and sanitation services in Mathioya and parts of Kangema District.

The Board of Directors comprises representatives of stakeholders identified by the Company and Tana water services board in accordance with the corporate governance guidelines issued by the Water Services Regulatory Board.

The Board of the company has vacancies for representatives of the following stakeholders:
1. One director representing the Women’s Organizations to be nominated by Maendeleo Ya Wanawake
2. One director representing the religious organizations listed in the stakeholders group.
3. One director representing local professionals bodies either Education Institutions or Professional bodies listed in the the stakeholders group.
4. One director representing the local authority to be nominated by the County Council of Murang’a
5. One director representing farmers organisation to be nominated by the Organisations listed in the stakeholders groups

This is therefore to invite applications from nominees of the above stakeholders.
Please attach copies of certificates.

The applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. Be literate and numerate to at least O level.
2. Demonstrate experience and acumen in business or any profession for at least 7 years.
3. Demonstrated participation in local development initiatives.
4. Experience as a change management agent.
5. Suppliers and other trading associates of the Company are not eligible for directorship positions of the company.

The application should be addressed to the selection committee in sealed envelopes marked “APPLICATION FOR DIRECTORSHIP IN GATAMATHI WATER AND SANITATION COMPANY” at either of the addresses below on or before 22nd November 2011 at 10.00 am.
Company Secretary
Kimathi Street
Kang’aru Annex, First Floor,
P.O Box 1271-10100

General Manager Gatamathi water and sanitation co. ltd
Mathioya Divisional Headquarters
P.o Box 93-10204