Monday, August 6, 2012

KIE Invitation to Submit Literary Text Titles for English, Kiswahili and French Set Books Evaluation, Selection and Approval 2012

Kenya Institute of Education

Invitation to Submit Literary Text Titles for English, Kiswahili and French Set Books Evaluation, Selection and Approval 2012

The Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) wishes to invite Publishers registered or legally represented in Kenya to purchase the English, Kiswahili and French Set Books Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval
Guidelines 2012. 

These Guidelines contain details on what to submit, conditions for submission, and the system of evaluation and selection.

Publishers should therefore submit literary text titles to the Kenya Institute of Education in accordance with the requirements and time-table established in the Guidelines.
The English, Kiswahili and French Set Books Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval Guidelines 2012 may be purchased from the Director KIE, on payment of a non-refundable fee of Kenya Shillings Ten Thousand (Kshs. 10,000/=) only.
All submissions should be received at KIE not later than 6 September 2012, and must be accompanied by the appropriate amount of evaluation and selection fees in Banker’s Cheque payable to the Director, KIE.
The Literary Text Titles to be submitted shall include:
A. Secondary Education
1. Novels from Kenya
2. Plays from Africa
3. Plays from the Rest of the World.

1. Riwaya Kutoka Afrika Mashariki
B. Diploma in Teacher Education
1. Novels by African Authors
2. Novels by French Authors
3. Anthologies of Short Stories
Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) is situated at the Desai - Rwathia Road junction off Murang’a Road, Ngara – Nairobi, Kenya. All enquiries should be directed to:
The Director, 
Kenya Institute of Education, 
P. O. Box 30231 – 00100 
Nairobi GPO Kenya. 
Tel (254 2) 3749900-3; 
