We are the world’s leading independent children’s charity; we aspire to achieve really dramatic change for children around the globe.
We work with children in vulnerable situations. Promoting children’s rights and protecting them from harm is a priority in all our work.
Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland Programme has been working in Central & South Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland for over 40 years. Millions of people across East Africa are currently experiencing serious food insecurity, and children are among the worst affected. The cause of this emergency is not just the lack of rain but a combination of underlying factors.
Save the Children is committed to providing immediate humanitarian relief to people in need as we are to working with affected communities, governments and the international community to find solutions to the underlying problems of this crisis.
We are looking to recruit the following 8 Job positions.
1. Emergency Child Protection Technical Advisor - 12 months contract based in Nairobi
The Emergency Child Protection Advisor will provide overall technical management and support to emergency team and contribute in development of emergency response strategy and programme plan for protection.
Person Specification
A Post graduate degree or equivalent in the field of human rights, social studies or equivalent and at least 5 years of relevant senior level technical experience in the sector. You will need to have experience in working with children’s groups and networks on their protection and understanding of participatory learning and action approaches.
2. Water Sanitation & Hygience (WASH) Advisor – 12 months contract based in Nairobi
You will provide overall technical management and support to the emergency team in planning and undertaking WASH projects and activities. The post holder will contribute in development and/or review of emergency strategy and ensure that WASH needs are sufficiently addressed
Person Specification
You will need to have a suitable qualification in public health, civil engineering or another relevant subject, with 5-7 years experience in WASH programming in a developing country.
3. WASH Coordinator CSS – 12 months contract based in Nairobi
This role exists to strengthen, provide WASH engineering and software support for Save the Children’s core programme sectors- of health, education, child protection and hunger reduction- and develop direct emergency WASH responses where required. The post holder will lead WASH assessments, including interpretation of early warning indicators.
Person Specification
You should have a suitable qualification in public health, civil engineering or another relevant subject, with experience in WASH programming in a developing country. Ideally some of this experience will have been in an emergency situation.
4. Emergency Logistics Manager CSS - 12 months contract based in Nairobi
The Emergency Logistics Manager has responsibility for the co-ordination and support of logistics activities for the South Central Area operations of Somalia programme. The post holder will be managing staff, assets and stocks, ensuring effective and accountable support to all the field offices.
Person Specification
At least 5 years international experience in humanitarian logistics management. Experience in the set up and use of HF & VHF radio systems, satellite phones and development of communications procedures and distributions of NFI’s and food to beneficiaries.
5. Emergency Health Advisor - 6 months contract based in Nairobi
The post holder will be required to provide support to the emergency health team remotely and may travel into, north and central Somalia for short monitoring and support visits. The postholder will provide high level technical support in writing emergency health project proposals/concept notes.
Person Specification
You will need to be a medical/health professional with Masters in Public Health with substantial emergency health experience of (at least 5 years) including emergency health programme design and implementation at international level and under complex emergency context.
6. Nutrition Coordinator CSS – 2 Positions - 12 months contract based in Nairobi
The Nutrition Coordinators will be responsible for ensuring provision of quality nutrition programming (including OTP, TSFP, etc) to all the beneficiaries in Central South Somalia.
Person Specification
You should have a masters or equivalent in nutrition and at least 5 years recent experience in the field including experience in CMAM.
7. Finance Officer – Cash Consortium - 12 months contract based in Nairobi
The Finance Officer will be responsible for overseeing the Cash Consortium budget, ensuring that the reporting guidelines are fully met and that the Programme is complaint with Save the Children and donor policies.
Person Specification
You should have a degree in finance, accounting or other related academic discipline and at least minimum 3 years experience in financial management.
8. Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator – CSS – 6 months contract in Nairobi
The Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator’s role will be to support the identification, design and implementation of livelihoods work at district and community levels.
Person Specification
We are looking for someone with a post-graduate degree in agriculture, agronomy, social science, economics, or other discipline relevant to urban/rural livelihoods with at least 3 years work experience in similar positions with international NGOs.
Application Process
For additional information on the job description, working context, person’s specifications of these eight positions, please visit: www.somaliangoconsortium.org
Our selection processes reflect our commitment to the protection of children from abuse. Our people are as diverse as the challenges we face.
Applications should be forwarded to: vacancies@scsom.org
Application closing Date: Wednesday 16th September 2011.
Only short listed individuals will be notified
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Open Jobs