Terms of Reference for Review of AAH-I Corporate Strategic Plan (2008- 2012) and the Development of a New One (2013 – 2017).
Action Africa Help - International
Action Africa Help - International
Action Africa Help International (AAH-I) is an International African Non-Governmental Organization that has been working in South Sudan for the past 20 years.
AAH-I was initially registered in Munich, Germany, and following a devolution process was registered in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2003.
AAH-I is committed to supporting and facilitating community development efforts in South Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, Zambia and Kenya, with the overall goal of improving people’s livelihoods and quality of life.
AAH-I’s community-based programmes are aimed at self-reliance of the target communities.
Key thematic focus areas are:-
- Provision of basic services – primary health care, water and sanitation, and basic education;
- Food and income security and environmental management;
- Civil society strengthening and peace building;
- Institutional strengthening to support the above three themes.
AAH-I Vision Sustainable and Improved quality of life for disadvantaged communities in Africa. The four pillars supporting this Vision are: Community participation; Gender Equity, Sustainability, and Capacity Building and Empowerment
AAH-I Mission To support communities living in conflict or post conflict situations to sustainably improve their standard of living through community empowerment approaches in partnership with stakeholders.
Cross Cutting Issues
HIV/AIDS Gender Equity Population management and Family life
AAH-I is seeking technical support services from a competent consultant to review the 2008 – 2012 Strategic Plan and based on the review, develop the 2013 – 2017 Strategic Plan.
Objective The main objective for commissioning the consultancy is to review the current Strategic Plan and develop the next 5-Year Strategic Plan that will guide the organization in the countries of operation.
Expected Output
AAH-I Mission To support communities living in conflict or post conflict situations to sustainably improve their standard of living through community empowerment approaches in partnership with stakeholders.
Cross Cutting Issues
HIV/AIDS Gender Equity Population management and Family life
AAH-I is seeking technical support services from a competent consultant to review the 2008 – 2012 Strategic Plan and based on the review, develop the 2013 – 2017 Strategic Plan.
Objective The main objective for commissioning the consultancy is to review the current Strategic Plan and develop the next 5-Year Strategic Plan that will guide the organization in the countries of operation.
Expected Output
The AAH-I management is commissioning a short term consultancy to develop a strategic plan for the organization which will guide the future development of the institution to provide quality services to the communities in the AAH-I project areas.
The main expected output is a Corporate Strategic Plan for AAH-I detailing the strategic programmes to be implemented in all countries over the next 5 years (2013 – 2017) in 10 hard copies and RW-CD copy made available within a week after the end of the workshop.
The preferred method for the development of the strategic plan is a 2- 3 days participatory workshop of the AAH-I senior management team and other important stakeholders.
The process is expected to be facilitated by the consultant who will provide leadership, bear responsibility for the process, and put together the workshop deliberations into the final document – the Strategic Plan.
Consultant specifications:
We are looking for a consultant with proven experience and technical expertise in strategy development especially with INGOs and with a focus on transformational strategies for programs in conflict and post-conflict situations.
Consultant specifications:
We are looking for a consultant with proven experience and technical expertise in strategy development especially with INGOs and with a focus on transformational strategies for programs in conflict and post-conflict situations.
Identification of a suitable consultant will be based on competitive bidding Scope of Work:
The consultant’s work will include but not be limited to the following:
The consultant’s work will include but not be limited to the following:
- carry out a document review of existing AAH-I Corporate Strategic Plan and the Country specific Strategic Plans and other related information; carry out a desk review of key policy documents of Countries of operation in the thematic sectors; carry out consultative meetings with key informants and stakeholders prior to the workshop where considered very necessary.
- Facilitate through a participatory process the review of the current Corporate Strategic Plan (2008- 2012), looking at the Vision & Mission; the strategic objectives; the salient achievements; the important lessons learnt; the drawbacks; organizational structure in terms of overall governance and management etc.
- Facilitate 2-3 days strategic planning workshop
- Draft and submit (in compatible Word) a comprehensive Corporate Strategic Plan Draft1 for comments before finalizing the document.
- Compile a final Corporate Strategic Plan (2013 – 2017) in 10 hard and soft copies in compatible Word by 21 September 2012.
Evaluation Timetable
- The assignment will take place over a period of 2 weeks from 3rd – 14th September 2012 with the final document delivered by 21st September 2012.
- The selected consultant will propose his/her detailed activity plan for carrying out this exercise.
Compensation for this assignment - The consultant will be paid an agreed upon lump sum amount for this assignment.
- The fee will cover professional fees.
- Travel and hotel expenses including workshop expenses will be covered directly by AAH-I. Any other reimbursable costs will be discussed and agreed to in advance.
- The consultant will submit an invoice for completed and acceptable work.
- The consultant will also be responsible for any tax liabilities accruing from this assignment.
How to apply:
Deadline for submission of bids Interested parties should submit through e-mail, their Letters of Interest (LOI) indicating clearly their understanding of the task, consultant profile, how they propose to carry out the task and the proposed cost of the activity by 10th August 2012, 5 p.m.
Deadline for submission of bids Interested parties should submit through e-mail, their Letters of Interest (LOI) indicating clearly their understanding of the task, consultant profile, how they propose to carry out the task and the proposed cost of the activity by 10th August 2012, 5 p.m.
Address for submission of the bid: recruitkenya@actionafricahelp.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Important reference materials:
The current AAH-I Corporate Strategic Plan and Country specific SP (Uganda, Zambia. Kenya and South Sudan (draft)
Project reports
For more details on AAH-I‘s work please visit