Terms of Reference for Research on Resilience of households’ livelihoods to hazards in Somaliland
Terms of Reference for Research on Resilience of households’ livelihoods to hazards in Somaliland
1. Introduction
Save the Children Somalia / Somaliland (SCISOM) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission is to fight for children’s rights and deliver immediate and lasting improvement to children’s lives worldwide.
has been operational in the Greater Somalia for over 40 years.
SCISOM operates programmes that span relief to development with a wide range of
programming in Health, Nutrition, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance,
Vocational and Skills Training, Education and Food Security & Livelihoods
working in Somaliland, Puntland and Central and South Somalia.
works to ensure quality programming on the ground which forms the basis to
advocate for greater changes in policy and practice at regional, national and
global levels.
2. Background of project
Sustainable Employment and Economic Development (SEED) is a consortium based programme comprised of SCISOM, FAO, ILO, UNDP, and implemented in Somaliland, Puntland and Somalia with funding from DfID.
The purpose of the program is to improve economic and employment prospects, targeting women and young people in conflict affected communities. The goal of the program is improved stability in Somalia through economic growth and sustainable employment. SEED has two components:
- Component One – develop markets and create employment, with accompanying skills training, focusing on agriculture (South Central Somalia), fisheries (Puntland) and livestock (Somaliland); and
- Component Two – support the investment climate and regulatory framework in Somaliland to increase investment and growth
SEED program is estimated to run for four years with Phase I running from
December 2010 to March 2012. DfID has proposed bridge funding for three months
(April-June 2012) while the strategy for Phase II is refined.
In Phase I of SEED, SCISOM trained 1,660 people in improved practices of meat hygiene, and on the fodder, honey and agricultural production value chains in Borama, Hargeisa, Togdheer and Erigavo in Somaliland.
a result of these trainings, households were able to increase their
knowledge/skills contributing to increased production and incomes.
During the three month period of bridge-funding, SCISOM proposes to consolidate and expand achievements already gained based on key lessons learned and experiences from the first phase.
main acitivities: training, provision of assets and research. This ToR focuses
on the research aspect of the implementation.
3. Purpose & Specific Objectives
The purpose of this consultancy is to examine the resiliency of selected livelihood activities to shocks in at least one of SCISOM’s areas of intervention in Togdheer and /or Erigavo.
The specific objectives of the consultancy are:
- To examine the extent to which major livelihoods activities are resilient to common future shocks and adaptive capacity
- To examine the potential effects of shocks on sustainable income earning over mid and long To explore the adaptive capacity of the communities in the study • To develop indicators on resilient livelihood activities and adaptive capacity to inform appropriate decision making and programming
- To make comprehensive recommendations on livelihoods activities that show potential to be most resilient. The findings will used for internal SCISOM, SC at regional / global level and the greater humanitarian community as appropriate.
Scope of work
The research will include:
- Desk review: on past and current documents on associated programs • Prepare study tools and questionnaires: these should be appropriate for different target audiences and be shared with SCiSOM program team for review and comments
- Field work: Discussions with key SCISOM, GoSL, Other INGOs (CARE, Horn Relief, Oxfam) and other key informants, discussions with beneficiaries including children on their adaptive capacity
- Report writing: from findings
5. Expected Outputs
- A brief inception report and appropriate instruments submitted within 5 days of the start of the consultancy.
- A draft report will be submitted for comment by SCISOM.
- A validation workshop will be held in which the consultant is expected to present key findings for critique and validation by key stakeholders
- A final report will be submitted by 30 days of the launch of the work.
A combination of methods will be used as outlined below:
- Review of secondary data from project reports and other similar projects’ documents
- Review of future predictions on shocks linked to seasonal calendar
- Focus group discussions: disaggregated by gender, adults, children and youth.
- Key informant interviews with community leaders, relevant GoSL representatives, NGO and IO staff
- Case studies focusing on individual households and communities
- Observations
Roles & responsibilities
- Background research on livelihoods programming in Somalia and similar contexts
- Development of tools
- Field research
- Data analysis and report writing SCISOM
- SCISOM will provide details of the project
- Translation, as needed
- Transport to and from and in Somaliland and in Nairobi, where appropriate
Timeframe & Budget
- The work should be completed within 25 days of signing the agreement
- The final report must be received no later than 30 days of the commencement of the consultancy in order to receive full payment
- All costs related to the consultancy will be charged to the SEED Project bridge funding
- Internal SCISOM guidelines for recruitment of local consultant will be used to establish payment
Management structure
- The commissioning manager is Abdikadir Osman, SEED project manager with significant contact with Holly Welcome Radice, Food Security & Livelihoods Technical Manager and Johara Bellali, Regional Risk Reduction and Adaptation Programme Manager
- The consultant will interact and consult with other key staff members of throughout the time period
Level of access to children
- This consultancy may have regular contact with children and is Level 3
Required qualification and experience
The consultant should have:
- Experience in pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods programming
- Strong and demonstrable understanding of climate change adaptation and resiliency dry lands / pastoral areas
- Experience in designing and implementing participatory studies with both adults & children
- Proven capacity to write clear concise reports
- Relevant university degrees in social sciences, economics, development studies or related fields
- At least 5 years professional experience and evidence of undertaking similar works in the past
- Proven ability to analyze complex data applying latest software for data entry and analysis such as EPIDATA and SPSS
- Experience working in the Somali context
- Fluency in Somali language highly valued
All interested candidates please forward your applications which must include:
- Proposal on research including:
- Methodology
- CVs of proposed team
- Time frame
- Budget
- A writing sample of similar work
applications will not be considered.
Applications should be sent to:, expiry date of applications is on 10 June 2012.
to urgency applications will be view on rolling basis.