KCPE Results for 2011 | KNEC Results | Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC)
The 2011 KNEC results have been released and the long awaited anxiety is over now. The best Score this year is 442 Marks compared to last year’s top candidate who scored 434 marks. The results were released this morning by the Minister for Education. During the Ceremony, the Minister flashed out a green sandal and a blue shirt with scribbled answers showing evidence of exam irregularities.
Form One Selection
This year, the Ministry of Education released new guidelines to be implemented during the Form One selection next month. Under the new selection criteria, national schools will use district quotas to select students from public and private schools. The schools currently categorised as provincial will also be renamed county schools and will select their pool of students from districts, counties and also nationally.
Forty per cent of the slots in county schools will be reserved for candidates from that county, a further 40 per cent for candidates from other counties and 20 per cent from the district where the school is found. The guidelines follow the upgrade of 30 schools to national status effective next year. Another 57 schools have also been earmarked to acquire national status in the second and third phases of the project. The entire project is expected to cost around Sh750 million.
The move was meant to address concerns that students from public primary schools, who are presumed to be disadvantaged in terms of education facilities and social background, were losing out in national school admissions.
2011 KCPE Results
During KCPE Examinations, a total of 335 Centres Recorded Exam Irregularities. 775 820 Candidates enrolled for the exams.