National Irrigation Board (NIB)
Tender Notice
A: Open National Tender
Tender No. : NIB/T/066/2011-2012
Tender Name: Consultancy Services for Organizational Review and Job Evaluation for National Irrigation Board
I. Background
The National Irrigation Board (Board) (hereinafter referred to as “Board”) is a Government parastatal under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation established in 1966 by an Act of Parliament, Chapter 347 of the Laws of Kenya, and whose mandate is the development, promotion and management of all national irrigation schemes in the country.
In line with this mandate, the Board is currently managing seven national irrigation schemes and four research stations in various regions of the country while undertaking the construction of new irrigation and drainage infrastructure in other parts of the country.
II. Objective
The objective of this consultancy will be to undertake a review of the organizational structure and conduct a job evaluation to streamline its operations; determine the relative level, complexity and value of each job in the organization; develop comprehensive job descriptions and specifications; determine the optimal staffing levels and design a suitable remuneration schemes.
III. Terms of Reference (TOR)
The broad terms of reference include the following:
a) Review the current work structures and determine their adequacy for operations and achieving the Board’s mandate;
b) Design a result oriented organizational and functional structures that facilitates efficient decision making, ensures financial sustainability and delivers the mandate of the Board in line with its strategic direction and aligned to the current county governance structures;
c) Carry out job analysis and job evaluation exercise involving a detailed design of each departmental structures, roles and functions hence come up with a suitable organizational grading structure for the Board;
d) Undertake staff rationalization to establish the optimum staffing levels for the Board and;
e) Carry out skills audit to determine the existing skills and competencies levels within the board and recommend areas for improvement.
The detailed TOR is available in the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents.
The Board now invites consulting firms incorporated/registered in Kenya to submit proposals for the provision of these services.
The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the GoK’s Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005 and Regulations, 2006 and RFP document.
Detailed set of Request for Proposal (RFP) documents may be obtained from Cashier’s office, Main Building (Unyunyizi House), Lenana Road, Nairobi, upon payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh. 5,000.00 per set payable in cash or banker’s cheque payable to General Manager, National Irrigation Board.
Interested consulting firms may obtain further clarification/information from and inspect the RFP documents at the Procurement & Supplies Officer’s office, NIB, Tel: +254 20 2711380/468 during working hours (8.15 a.m – 5.00 p.m, Mon-Fri.).
Completed properly bound proposals in writing and in English only should be enclosed plain sealed envelopes and properly identified with the Tender No. and Name as indicated above and be placed in the Tender Box provided at the reception, on ground floor, at NIB Headquarters, Main Building (Unyunyizi House) located at the junction of Lenana and Woodlands Road, Kilimani, Nairobi so as to reach him on or before Tuesday 17th January 2012 at 12.00 noon local time.
The proposals will be opened immediately thereafter in the Nile Basin Board Room at NIB Head Office, Lenana Road, Nairobi.
Consulting firms or their representatives are invited to attend. Timely submission of the proposals at the below stated address shall be the responsibility of the firms and late bids will be rejected.